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"On the edge of the beautiful Lincolnshire Wolds, a perfect place to relax and recharge"

Covenham Holiday Cottages & Lodges has been created from Victorian farm buildings, each having been lovingly converted, they now contain every modern convenience whilst retaining their original character.

Nestled in seven and a half acres of beautiful Lincolnshire farmland, most of the cottages & lodges have their own private garden, patio seating area and are surrounded by peaceful countryside.

For those of you who like to keep busy on their holidays, there are many fun activities close by.

Exclusive to our guests is the use of the heated swimming pool and relaxation area (open seasonally).

Aggiungi le informazioni essenziali della tua proprietà e dei servizi offerti.

Puoi  utilizzare questo spazio per comunicare al potenziale ospite tutte le informazioni necessarie per la scelta della tua proprietà, come ad esempio:

- Che tipologia di proprietà affitti? (es. villa, appartamento, B&B)
- Quali sono gli elementi chiave della tua struttura? (camere da letto, bagni, stile)
- Cosa differenzia e rende unico il tuo immobile? (piscina, vista sul mare o le montagne)
- Quali sono i principali punti di interesse in prossimità della tua proprietà? (accesso alla spiaggia, piste da sci, monumenti)


... Modern comfortable cottages & lodges ...

... Peaceful relaxing location ...

... Heated swimming pool with adjacent relaxation area (open seasonally) ... 

... Seven acres of fields and trees to explore ...

... Private parking ...

... Undercover hard standing available for motorcycles ...

... Bicycle store ...

... Well behaved dogs welcome with prior arrangement ...

... LGBTQIA+ friendly ...

... All cottages meet the new 2023 fire regulations standards for your safety ...

"Explore the Lincolnshire Wolds, coastline and a host of attractions including the famous Cadwell Park"

Proprietá in vetrina

"Covenham Holiday Cottages" - a business managing and operating "Fox Cottage", "Squirrel Cottage" , "Hare Cottage" and "Dragonfly Lodge"
"Covenham Holiday Lodges" - a business managing and operating  "Owl Lodge"